RedCab decentralized global transportation network solutions

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The market for passenger transportation is now very saturated. Due to the high competition in this industry, carrier companies focus on quality of services and low cost in order to attract and retain customers. Low cost motivates passengers when choosing a carrier, but not a driver, since the price reduction affects, first of all, the decline in income. In this situation, a driver lacks motivation to improve the quality of services, which leads to the appearance of dissatisfied customers. RedCab is able to solve this issue, which offers high level of income to drivers and low cost to passengers due to excluding intermediaries. The global coverage of the transportation market will allow using one service regardless the current location of a passenger.

 RedCab was founded by mid of 2016 to reinvent the peer-to-peer transportation solutions by solving a real problem through understanding the root causes of riders’ and drivers’ actual needs, and deliver an innovative solution governed by customer experience. RedCab  gives the chance for everybody to freelance as integrated service providers working on peer-to-peer scale, while taxi companies operate as an aggregated professional service provider.

Their business model is designed to deliver 100% of the benefits to users versus 100% earnings to drivers and taxi companies through decentralizing the whole process. The performance matrix and rewards program for drivers is designed to ensure that every single ride gets the highest quality from a customer experience standpoint, while a psychological factor is subtly implemented to govern the customer satisfaction part, and processes are in place to ensure safety of both parties.

How RedCab Works
RedCab is a decentralizing the transportation solution for individuals by utilizing Blockchain technologies for cost efficient and secure transactions. On the other hand, saving billions of dollars from transportation commission to be rewarded back to the ecosystem ensuring sustainability and business continuity through cutting edge technology, performance management and customer loyalty. their business model is designed to ensure smooth market penetration through lean and reliable processes, and their scoring and reward program ensures loyal and productive community. With the variation in fare calculation from one country to another and even from one city to another, RedCab LLC has managed to keep the tool flexible to amend the best pricing formula without surge price or high cost fare in holidays or bad weather.

Key features of RedCab
The decentralized RedCab platform allows balancing the needs of passengers and drivers due to the high quality of the services provided and low cost. Now a driver will not be obliged to pay a commission to a company-carrier, reaching up to 35%, for the alignment of logistics routes. A driver will be able to choose orders independently through the work of artificial intelligence, depending on their location. The project operates basing on blockchain technology, which will ensure the rapid performance of transactions.
RedCab is a decentralized global transportation network solution with blockchain and artificial intelligence. RedCab is the pioneer of a new system in leasing transportation and inter-service services. RedCab is the first most efficient and profitable transportation platform where the driver will receive a profit of up to 20% and users will save up to 30%. This will certainly attract many people to be involved in the RedCab ecosystem. The use of blockchain certainly requires the platform to use crypto currency for payment. Therefore, RedCab also issues a new utility token named REDC.

REDC Token is a token utility that will be used in the interests of the community. REDC was created using the Ethereum blockchain technology which has proven to be the most popular blockchain today. REDC supports ERC20 types with smart contracts to make transactions faster, safer, more open and economical. The REDC Token will be used as a payment instrument for ordering vehicles, taxis and motorbikes. In addition, users can also save REDC tokens as assets for investment. Regarding availability, REDC tokens are only made around 100,000,000 REDC.

Of the 100 million REDC tokens made, only about 62% is used for sale to investors in 3 stages of sale, namely Personal Sales (7% of total tokens), Pre-Sales (15% of total tokens at 1 ETH = 2.682 REDC), and general sales (40% of total tokens at a price of 1 ETH = 2,333 REDC). REDC sales during the ICO period commenced on August 15, 2018 by receiving payments with ETH with a minimum purchase of 0.1 ETH. In addition RedCab also offers special bonuses that invest in large amounts

Speaking of distribution, REDC tokens are made for the benefit of RedCab with different percentages as needed including 40% for general sales, 25% for reserves, 15% for pre-sales, 7% for special sales, 1% for bounty programs , 3% for advisors, and 9% for founders and teams.

Funds obtained from the sale of REDC tokens will be used for the main interest, namely for the development of products and services in the success of the business. Funds issued must be more open to investors. Investors also want to know the funds will be allocated anywhere. The funds allocated are 29% for product development, 41% for marketing and cooperation, 13% for management and advisor board, 11% for administration and operations, and 6% for legality and licensing.

The information I provide is only a small part of this Project. You can visit them by visiting the Website and other official sites, following the official list of Websites etc from this project

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